Day 28 – Small Towns; A Road for Me; 4 Weeks

Memorial Day

Many of the small towns I passed through had their main street prepped for Memorial Day. Note the red, white and blue banner with the picture of a sailor. The towns honored those from their community who sacrificed with their lives for our country with their photo, name, rank and service branch on the lamp posts along with the American flag. A pretty nice tribute.

John Glenn Jr.

I’ve learned many a tidbit about ordinary as well as noteworthy people who were a part of country’s growth.

Doesn’t get much better than this.

How nice it was to have a whole paved lane just to myself for miles and miles.

A thought-provoking sign.

Not all bike path terminations get a sign. The signs do make we wonder. Are they for the cyclist to be prepared to lose the shoulder? Or are they for the motor vehicle driver so they know a cyclist is about to invade their space?

It has been 4 weeks since I started out on this adventure. Some useless data and some random thoughts.

Total Miles Cycled: 1,342 Total time in the saddle: 129 hours States passed through: Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois and Ohio.

More in future blogs about what I’ve learned these past four weeks as I’ll be taking some time off of the road to give the body and mind a rest.

I do want to let you know how you can send me your thoughts or a question about anything relating to this adventure. From the pledge (last) page, Put in your name and e-mail info. Put zero’ in for pledge amount and any non-profit you want. Write a message and send it. With any luck, I’ll get it and can respond to your email address.

Cycling from Cambridge Ohio to Wheeling West Virginia tomorrow. Back to the rollers. Only this time there are hills,


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