I enjoyed seeing this ranch. The house was very much an original homestead that had been “modernized” over the years, decades and probably centuries. The outbuildings were likewise kept updated to be usable.
Cameron Pass was actually the highest pass I crossed on the whole adventure. It was a long climb but grade-wise one of the easiest. About 15 mile uphill but able to maintain about 6mph. Even in July though, chilly enough to need the windbreaker.
A fun formation on the east side of the pass.
Tomorrow, I wake to the final day of this adventure. It has been a wonderful 67 days. Yes, some that were just plain hard but most so very pleasurable. A huge thank you to those who have made a pledge or contribution to an organization that supports my mission for this cross-country bicycle ride. You made this ride worthwhile.
Tomorrow’s ride will end home – 900 Bruce Drive; Berthoud, CO. I wonder how long the grass is.