A truly breathless view from about two thirds the way up Rabbit Ears Pass heading east from Steamboat Springs. Or maybe I was breathless because I was only 2/3 of the way climbing up the pass.

Officially, Rabbit Ears Pass is named for this peak viewed while going over the pass. I think the name matches the pass itself for there are actually two peaks to climb with a drop to a level space between while going over the pass.

We met two couples, so we all stopped and shared some stories. The two on the right are from London, England headed to Virginia Beach. They are definitely taking the scenic route through Colorado before heading east. The girl behind me and the guy in front of me (with his left eye and hat showing) are hiking/hitch hiking from Portland, Oregon to Banff, Canada. Diane and me, of course. Diane gave the hikers a ride to a better spot about 9 miles back. We’ve met others crossing this country of ours by foot or bicycle. Maybe it’s not such a crazy thing to do after all. (Unless you’re 75, of course.)

I have usually avoided stopping to take a picture of the towns I’ve passed through unless they have something rather unique to offer. The moose viewing capital of Colorado seemed to meet that criterion.
Although we both are anxious to get home, I am taking off from riding tomorrow, July 4th. Might not be the safest day to ride anyway.