Day 49 – Taking it easy; 30#

Entrance to Cold Springs Station

It has been a good day to get some relaxation in. This weekend was an ATV gathering so it was a bit different setting in the restaurant. Buffet style with a single choice. But the meals have all been good.

It was suggested that I share what I’ve been packing with me.

Top to Bottom Starting on Right: Small top bike rail pack: Music watch, hard candy, lip balm. Larger bottom rail pack: Right side; spare tubes, tire levers, chain oil and rag, tire patches, battery pack is on top of pack. Spare tire. Spare cleats, tubeless seal, Slime (which was a life saver). A bag with a paperback book, full finger gloves, emergency sleeping bag, tape. Shirt Bag: Cycling jerseys, 3 T’s, 1 long sleeve warm T, 1 long sleeve. Next bag: 1 short, 1 cargo pants with removable calves, 4 undies, 8 pr of various socks (I’ve used them all). Surface Pro laptop (which I write the blogs with, follow-up emails, make motel reservations and check out weather and routes. Watch some u-tube videos).

Middle column: 2nd pair of cycling shorts, bug spray and aloe gel, cool neck band. Bag with elastic band to stretch legs, bathing suit (used while washing pants). Bag with odds and ends such as: Quaker oatmeal, electrolyte water additive, skin lotion, spoon, bowl for cereal, Icy-Hot, Gorilla and scotch tape (both have been used), spare batteries for lights. Case with bathroom stuff. Bag with extra munchies (this adds weight, but I do eat the weight over days). A rag. After biking sandles.

Next: Water, water and water. Also 2 bottles for the bottle cages. They are great in keeping ice. I will sometimes have ice in them at the end of the day. I am a bit paranoid about having enough water and about enough to keep me going if I get a flat.

Left side column: 2nd pair of sunglasses (I have one dark lens and one orange lens). Gum. 1st aid kit. Sun tan lotion. Electric pump. Lock. All purpose tool. Charge cords and plug adaptors. My book that has notes and a whole lot more. Reading glasses.

Rain jacket is attached to right side pannier.

That’s pretty much it – 30# or less. I’ve used pretty much all but the spare parts – hence the word spare. I have used 4 tubes and the slime. I’ve patched used tubes and carry those “just in case”. I’ve used two tires.

Tomorrow I’m headed to Austin, NV. Looks like still an overall increase in elevation.


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